Monday, November 9, 2009

Kennedy Disease More Condition_symptoms What Is Moter Neurones ,kennedy Type Disease About?

What is moter neurones ,kennedy type disease about? - kennedy disease more condition_symptoms

Kennedy Disease (also known as spinal bulbar muscular atrophy, SBMA, or Kennedy's syndrome is known), a rare neurological X and currently untreatable and incurable disease, recessive genetic progressive muscle relaxation. Both spinal and bulbar neurons are affected causing weakness and wasting (atrophy) throughout the body, the most visible in the extremities (legs, arms) is, is particularly strong in the face and neck, leading to speech problems and swallowing disorders, major muscle spasms and other symptoms (see "KD Symptoms" section of this web site for details).

KD is an adult, the symptoms of the disease usually appear between the ages of 30 and 50 years. However, the beginnings were recorded.

In general, men with this gene inherited the symptoms, while women with this gene are usually for business. Although in rare cases, women are known to cause symptoms. Life expectancy is less visible in near normal.

An estimated 1 in 40,000 people worldwide are ill Kennedye. But many go years, diagnosed or wrongly diagnosed. Number one is the wrong diagnosis of Lou Gehrig disease (ALS), a fatal disease.

You can find more information here: ...


D!mple said...

dr neurons .. especially the nerves of the brain i dnt KNW ABT many of these diseases .. u can chek out on Google

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