Monday, November 16, 2009

Normal Body Muscle Percentage Anyone Give Me Some Good Ideas For Food To Eat When Embarking On A Muscle Mass Building Program?

Anyone give me some good ideas for food to eat when embarking on a muscle mass building program? - normal body muscle percentage

They were obtained in the last month 2 pounds last month, but my body fat is a part, so I let know it's muscular, but just wondered whether it good food that can help is more advantageous something really good for you.

Volume 2 protein shakes a day and eat normal things such as chicken, eggs, nuts, milk, tuna, etc. exist, but it is a wonder that the magic food that I know nothing!


mechashi... said...

As it may seem, it does everything in terms of nutrition. I do not know which type of exercise, so I can not really comment on that. I think I can only recommend that you isolate protein, since it easier for your body to absorb. So make sure you keep up with meals rich in protein and plenty of water. His training sessions to determine the rest.

CB said...

It seems that I have. After a large amount of protein in the diet, the repair of muscle tissue, if I'm not very much strength-training help. It will also help to build faster.

Gedaom said...

To Try to take protein before and after training.

Gedaom said...

To Try to take protein before and after training.

mechashi... said...

As it may seem, it does everything in terms of nutrition. I do not know which type of exercise, so I can not really comment on that. I think I can only recommend that you isolate protein, since it easier for your body to absorb. So make sure you keep up with meals rich in protein and plenty of water. His training sessions to determine the rest.

CB said...

It seems that I have. After a large amount of protein in the diet, the repair of muscle tissue, if I'm not very much strength-training help. It will also help to build faster.

CB said...

It seems that I have. After a large amount of protein in the diet, the repair of muscle tissue, if I'm not very much strength-training help. It will also help to build faster.

Gedaom said...

To Try to take protein before and after training.

Gedaom said...

To Try to take protein before and after training.

Gedaom said...

To Try to take protein before and after training.

su.zie@b... said...

No, there are no magic formulas, if they were then all bodybuilders, it would be and want to know. Note that you can eat too much protein in your diet, overloading the liver and kidneys, leading to an accumulation of ammonia which is toxic, and they work more than you really have and cause kidney damage. Average, people need to be above 0.75 grams per kilogram of body weight per day, strength training can be from 1.2 to 1.5 grams per kilogram per day need. Increases muscle mass comes from hard work, you try to pyramid sets, super sets and negative (or eccentric) training, but make sure that you really need to rest and not train your muscles time to repair, more strong. Ask your protein shake within 30 to 40 minutes to the contract with carbohydrate quality finish, the perfect time to repair the muscle. I hope this helps and keep up the good work.

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