Sunday, November 8, 2009

Marine Motorcycle Helmet What Steps Do I Need To Take To Attain A Motorcycle License While In Marine Corps In 29 Palms?

What steps do i need to take to attain a motorcycle license while in marine corps in 29 palms? - marine motorcycle helmet

to get there in the military you an MSF course and a written test at the DMV for your motorcycle license
Obtained after successful completion of the MSF course a certificate is required at the DMV and then have a deposit to your motorcycle license


R6S said...

Step 1 follow the course of MSF
Step 2 Making the service of your State veichle engine and pass the written examination.
Step 3 Buy a bike
Step 4 RIDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Biker for Life said...

Most military bases offer or require the driver of course. Check with your transportation service, or the Parliament. You will be able to take all necessary information.

Biker for Life said...

Most military bases offer or require the driver of course. Check with your transportation service, or the Parliament. You will be able to take all necessary information.

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