Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rickets Maine How Would You Come Up With A Solution To A Growing Rickets Problem For A Small City, What Would You Recommend?

How would you come up with a solution to a growing rickets problem for a small city, what would you recommend? - rickets maine

Rickets is a bone disease. How would your approach differ from Texas, Maine? Please enter only those who want to help!


greydoc6 said...

In these two areas to develop programs to ensure that children with vitamin D fortified milk day nurseries and kindergartens will require special attention, while the children in primary classes. Fresh air and sunshine and good, especially the sun, should be encouraged.

We talked a lot of vitamin D supplementation in infants of mothers who breastfeed. The cloudy and cold, I recommend it.

I think the problem is worse in Maine, with its relatively long sunless winter.

lifechri... said...

both in their own homes) or vitamin D and calcium.

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